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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

in Uzhgorod with Tanya Khoma; Maria's home

Tuesday - It is really hot here. About 90 degrees. The thick masonry walls help keep the house cool, but it is still hot. Klara said it was never this hot before, but the last few years have been hotter and hotter. Went to Misha's so Klara could feed the dog while he's at the Black Sea. While she was doing that, I picked "molina", raspberries. Klara will make Kompote with them. I filled a bucket in a few minutes; tomorrow there will be even more. And Misha's cherries need picked or will go to waste. Klara wants to come early in morning before hot.

Went to the bazaar with Klara on bicycle; very easy ride. Klara was grocery shopping, I wanted to pick up a flash drive. Found computer stall; they had 32 GB memory sticks for sale for about 200 grivna (about $25 US). Don't know if good buy or not, but I couldn't buy anyway because they couldn't take Visa or US dollars.

Afternoon, hopped on the bus to Uzhgorod to meet cousin Tanya Khoma on her lunch break from her job as English teacher.

She took me on a little tour of Uzhgorod, never get tired of seeing it. Tanya took me to the Soviet WW II memorial in Uzhgorod. There was very heavy fighting to liberate Uzhgorod, and many Red Army soldiers are burried here.

 After, went to a nice little restaurant in a basement. Had bliny with jam.

I finally learned from Tanya what "Lipa" trees are: they are "Linden" or "Lime" trees! And the "Lipa" walk in Uzhgorod has more "Lipa" than anywhere in Europe.

Since I had Tanya to translate for me, went to bank to try to get money. Klara had told me never to take my passport with me anywhere, but I found out that I couldn't withdraw money without my passport; I couldn't even exchange US dollars for Grivna without my passport. But now at least I know where to go and what to do on my own.

When I got back, Klara took me to Maria's house - she has an indoor swimming pool. I wish I would have known about it sooner!!! Maria's husband had been a woodworker/craftsman/ furniture maker. She has really fine furniture in her home he made.

 He also kept bees - about 300 hives, up in the mountains, and collected and sold honey. Maria continues today. I have trouble with Ukrainian numbers, but I think she said she collects about 1000 liters of honey a year, sells for 300 grivna a liter.

Maria lives in a new house, beside her mother Marisa's old home. Instead of knocking down the old home, Maria's husband turned it into a spa. There's showers, sauna, whirlpool hot tub, and indoor swimming pool! Because of the thickness of the walls, the water in the pool is kept naturally cold without refrigerant! It is cold and refreshing!!

Maria shares the home with her daughter and son-in-law. Maria lives in the lower level, very modern looking; daughter and son-in-law upstairs. Son-in-law is officer in SBU (I'm starting to think my entire family is Secret Police!), so he has a good living. Not sure, but I think Maria's daughter is SBU also. Maria retired from nursing. She also takes care of a mentally handicapped orphan, Lisa. Her parents died when she was about 2 years old, no brothers or sisters or other relatives, and so Maria took her in, even though no relation.

Back home, out in the garden, amazed how quickly everything has grown. Cucumber plants have doubled in size since I've been here, and picked a dozen ripe cukes.

Just got a call from Aileen; she's back from the Black Sea. She wants to take me to L'viv on Saturday for an excursion. Sounds good!

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