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Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Dry cured smoked ham

Ivan worked as a butcher, and still makes his own ham, kolbasi, hurka, salo, and other meat products.  His ham is dry cured like Italian prosciutto, but unlike prosciutto it is also smoked. The flavor is very similar - very rich and intense ham flavor. Since they knew I was coming, Ivan saved the last of his hams for me. You can see from the photos below the rich red color of the meat.

After breakfast, I went for a bike ride, around Dravtsi, and through Baranintsi. Going past one field, I surprised a couple of pheasants, who took to flight just ten feet away from me.

I think that the berries below are elderberries. They're growing wild everywhere. I wanted to try them, but was afraid of having my hands and clothes stained.

On Fizkulturnaya Street in Baranintsi, I saw several policemen interviewing groups of people; everyone looked pretty serious. I found out later that a man who lived there had had too much to drink, passed out, and was eaten by a pack of seven dogs. I'm NOT making this up!!!!!

For lunch, Ivan had cooked a soup with some of his ham, garlic, onions, carrots, and potatoes. After lunch, I walked to the bazaar; by the time I got there, the bazaar was closing. I wanted to see what it would cost to buy my own inexpensive bicycle. Everyone would let me ride theirs, but I want my own so that I don't have to worry about breaking some one else's bike, or having it stolen. There was one bike shop still open; I saw a simple old-style single speed bike for $125 USD. Don't know if that's a good price or not.

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