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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Inexpensive transportation from Budapest to Uzhgorod

This year, I flew into L'viv; since my cousins were picking me up at the airport, if I flew to L'viv I wouldn't have to worry whether they were able to get a visa. Last year, my cousin Misha picked me up at the Budapest airport, but his visa expired before my return home. I had to take the train from Uzhgorod to Budapest. I learned that the train station and airport were about an hour apart, and the taxi fare alone was around $50. Marta a nd Klara bought my train ticket, so I don't know the cost.

Today, one of my English language students, a lawyer, gave me the name and number of a man who runs a travel service in Chop. For $50, he will provide transportation by minibus between Budapest airport (or hotel) and Uzhgorod. All you need to do is call a day ahead, tell him what time you need picked up, and where you need to go.  ----" 050-5866442.

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